Exness MT4 Demo Account - opening Full Guide

Exness MT4 platform on a laptop for visual representation
Trading CFD involves risks
Article updated: 22.03.2024

Introduction to Exness MT4 Demo Account

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Exness Trial is a unique possibility for freshmen and skilled practicing traders to explore the global commodity markets safely and with no risk. The MT4 trial gives the possibility for traders to practice trading, test new technologies and learn the latest version of the world's best trading system that uses virtual currency.

An MT4 demo account is not only an ability for new traders to grasp the basics of trading, it is also a way for skilled traders to enhance their skills at zero financial risk. It is a great way to acquaint ourselves with the market, study its dynamics and test a wide variety of trading symbols and operators presented on the MT4 platform.

Features of MT4 demo platform

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is one of the most popular and functional platforms for forex trading. The MT4 demo version gives users access to a wide range of features and tools, making it a great choice for both beginners and professional traders. What features a MetaTrader4 demo account with Exness may have:
  • Trading on a real platform with artificial finance only.
  • MT4 demo account can be set up in such a way that it will execute trading orders as on the real market.
  • MT4 demo account is a great opportunity to learn the ins and outs of technical analysis (try different charts and indicators and even drawing tools).
  • Experienced users use MT4 demo account to test trading plans and ideas.
  • Each user can customize the platform in such a way that it is visually comfortable for him to trade.
  • If you are worried that there may not be support for your language - you can check that MT4 demo works in more than 50 languages.
  • Read economic news directly on the platform to keep up to date with all world events.
  • Most importantly, the security level is configured so that all data is encrypted with the best methods for your security.
MT4 Demo Excess gives traders a platform to learn and improve their trading skills in a secure environment that can be accessed without any financial investment. These features give MT4 Exness the ability to be not just a training tool, but a powerful platform for developing and testing trading strategies.
Trading CFD involves risks

How to Get Trading on Exness MT4 Demo Account

It is simple to initiate trading on an MT4 demo version of Exness and can do so from any device, be it a PC, mobile device or WebTerminal. Below are step-by-step instructions for each method.

Starting an MT4 demo account through the Exness web terminal

Log in to you private area, if you do not have one, create one (instructions on how to create an account in Exness)
Create a demo account if you have no demo account, the main thing when you create an account is to select MT4 when choosing a platform
On the tab "My Accounts" look for yourself account and click "Trade", in it you have to push "Change terminal"
Login to mt4 demo account via web terminal - how to find the terminal change button in Exness
Trading CFD involves risks
It will take you to the configuration, find "MT4 Accounts", press "Change", then select "MT4 WebTerminal" and press "Set terminal"
Login to mt4 demo account via web terminal - how to select web terminal in settings and its application is set out
Return to back to in your account and click "Trade" again, now click "MT4 WebTerminal, open terminal" and it will take you to the login page
Login to mt4 demo account via web terminal - indicated how to find the way to open a web terminal in personal area Exness
The last step is to enter your MT4 demo account data, like your sign-in passwords and server (note that the servers have Trial in the name for the demo account)
Login to mt4 demo account via web terminal - what data is required for login and where to get it from
That's it, now you can trade on your demo account in MetaTrader4 Exness.
Exness MT4 open on web terminal

Login to MT4 Demo Account on PC

Trading CFD involves risks
In order to access the MT4 demo option on your PC, you must have the application loaded on your machine, you may read the full manual for installation and loading here: Instructions for Downloading Exness MT4 on PC
Launch the MetaTrader4 Exness software on your computer.
Please fill in the data from the demo account you used when registering (the server and name of account can be found in the description of the account, and the required password is the same as the one you used when you registered).
When you have completed entering the data, click the Sign in button.
Specifies how to open and enter the MT4 Exness demo via the app on pc
Logging in to the trial account on to your computer is quite simple.
How does the Exness MT4 demo application look on a laptop

Login to MT4 Demo Accounts on Mobile Device

Trading CFD involves risks
In order to open an MT4 demo account on your device, you need to install the application for smart phone, full details on how to download and install it you can read here: Instructions on how to download the application to your phone.
Open up the application you have fitted on your mobile phone, go to the menu and click on the "Manage Account" tab
The process of opening a demo MT4 account on the phone - it shows how the application looks like and the button to manage accounts
You will be taken to a window where you need to click on and then select “+” the option "Sign in to an existing account"
The process of opening a demo MT4 account on your phone - it shows what you need to click to add a new account
Next, you must select the server of your exess demo account (please notice that MT4 demo account servers have trial in their name, you can find the server name of your account in your profile in the "Accounts" tab)
The process of opening a demo MT4 account on your phone - shown how to find the right server for login
After that you will only need to input username and code from your MT4 demo account and then press the Sign In
The process of opening a demo MT4 account on your phone - the final step where you need to enter your login and password
Done! Now you can fully utilize your MT4 EXNEX demo on your device. You are also able to manage your own demo in the private area of your Exness Profile
What the MT4 demo Exness app looks like on your phone
No matter which instrument or Platform you choose, by opening or using an EXNES MT4 demo order, you can learn to trade, practice and develop strategies without actual exposure to risk.
Trading CFD involves risks

Beneficial aspects of using an MT4 demo Exness

In order to see the merits of an MT4 account, each and every user may use a trial account to review, gain an insights and try out the software platform in practice, and this can be done by both beginners and skilled trainers equally. The following are the main strengths of the MT4 demo account
  • A demo account is necessary for users to safely try market trends and volatility features.
  • Using MetaTrader4 demo gives the opportunity to try different trading ideas and approaches, long-term and short-term plans - to understand which of them work.
  • The opportunity to learn what changes in the global economy affect your open positions and so that you can adapt this to plan your future actions.
  • And most importantly, you will learn the functionality and features of the MT4 demo account, such as various charting tools, indicators and Expert Advisors, etc.
  • On an MT4 demo account you can learn how to manage your account and monitor and control your margin and risk level.
  • Finally, the MT4 demo account exists so that every user can learn and improve themselves in order to understand the basics and mechanics of trading platforms and techniques.
MT4 demo accounts at Exness are a valid and reliable step in forex trading, and its use is not only logical but also correct which will not only give you confidence and competence for trading, but also gives you real tools for your activity.
All devices (laptop, desktop, tablet and phone) on which the mt4 demo application is open
Trading CFD involves risks

MT4 Demo Trading Tips

Experienced traders often share their knowledge and experience with beginners to help them make the most of a demo account on the MT4 platform:
  • Before you get started, be clear about what you want to accomplish with a demo account, whether it's trying out a new strategy, learning certain aspects of the market, or improving your technical analysis skills.
  • Try to approach demo account trading with the same seriousness as you would real trading. This will help you to be better prepared for the emotional and psychological aspects of real trading.
  • MT4 has a wide selection of different types of analytics software and monitors to choose from. Try a variety of them to find the one that best suits with your own trading pattern.
  • Even on a demo market session, it is important to practice effective asset risk management by setting a stop loss and take profit for each trade to develop good spending habits.
  • Keeping a trading journal where you note each trade, its results and reasons for entry and exit can be a powerful tool to improve your trading skills and strategies.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes on a demo account, as these are the ones that provide valuable lessons. Analyze what went wrong and how you can improve your actions in the future.
  • Do not rush to move to a real account immediately after several successful trades on a demo account. Give yourself enough time to learn and develop confidence in your trading abilities.
Try, learn, practice and have fun with the MetaTrader4 Exness demo account!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Exness MT4
Demo Accounts

  • May I set up more than one demo account on MT4 with Exness?
    Yes, Exness does in fact allow users to start more than one demo account. This will let you try out a variety of tactics or test trading with changing conditions and credit leverage requirements without affecting your main demo session.
  • Is trading on a demo account vs actual trading on MT4?
    Although trading on a demo account in MT4 is as close to actually trading as it is possible to get, there are some differences, including the lack of real monitor market action and potential differences in the mental perception of risk. It is always valuable to use a demo account for learning and practicing, and to prepare for some of the changes when you upgrade to a full live session.
  • Making the transition from a demo to a live account?
    Success on a demo account is a positive indicator, but it is crucial to take into account actual market forces, commissions and environmental aspects of real trading when moving to a real account. It is best to try to start with a small amount of funds and gradually increase the volume of trading by following strict risk management rules.
  • Are there any limitations on trading instruments on MT4 demo account?
    Trial accounts at Exness grant the most trading instruments that are available on Live accounts.
  • Can I use EAs in my MT4 demo account?
    Yes, you can use EAs on an MT4 trial exchange account to trial an automatic trading style. This is a great way to evaluate the effectiveness of EAs prior to running them on a Real Account.